Support Services
"I currently provide clients with access to the community for recreation, shopping, appointments etc. Also assist clients with personal and domestic duties around the home. Happy to go for a walk and talk, coffee and chat, whatever a client enjoys doing that will improve their mental health. Liaise with family members and friends to improve relationships. Budgeting, job search assistance, help with IT & minor home modifications."
Categories: Assistance with daily life, Transport, Assistance with social and community participation, Assistive technology, Home modifications, Support Coordination, Increased social & community participation, Finding & keeping a job, Improved relationships, Improved health & wellbeing, Improved daily living.
Location: Mallee including Quambatook, Kerang, Swan Hill, Boort, Lalbert and surrounding areas.
Phone: 0467 283 691 Email: allisonk8k@gmail.com